
Saturday, April 30, 2005

a wedding

the first time in my life that i've felt the best way to get through something is to be completely drunk. this is the point where i found a camera phone to photograph the lovely iwona

Sunday, April 17, 2005

all hail

Sunday, April 10, 2005

mo money mo power

here it is:my moblog! it would be perfect if only i could figure out how to post from a uk mobile!!!!!
more as it happens

como yo

una nueva cara, tan fresco como el aire, como el juego de ronaldinho, como el kung fu de lucy liu, como yo.

*cimer montana!

Saturday, April 09, 2005


my life is on the whole basic and unadorned- like a medieval monk i have no need for material things. except for this.

I want one.

Friday, April 08, 2005

about time too

its all in the side bar.